"Songs to aging children come, aging children, I am one" - Joni Mitchell
Can't believe it's been so long since I've blogged. But if you're a Facebook friend or find me Pinteresting, you're probably up to speed. I've been very busy being not busy... not! Confused? Join my club. My head is spinning with work, and life, and fracking, and bills, and training for the Avon Walk (come on and get it over with so I can get some fundraising "attaboys" from Avon - I love free shit!), and celebrating 12 years with the love of my life (so all you stalkers can just go to Plan B).

And I am going to stop because that's another post. Or two.
This photo was taken by a friend on the day I outlived my mom. This friend just happens to live near Jamaica, Queens. 5 hours away. And lemme tell ya, my mom is tucked way back in there. So file under "Mind Officially Blown". I love you, Christine!
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